Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ED, Connotea, OpenID

I've added in a link to for the current ED to login with an OpenID.
Really all it's doing is submitting the OpenID to Connotea to handle the rest of the work.
But the trouble is, once I've passed it off to Connotea, it's out of my control, so I can't have the same window/tab redirect back to ED once it's done authenticating.

So what I've done is I have is the AddToED servlet opening in a new tab/window while the other one handles the authentication.

I imagine this will lead to confusion later if the authentication doesn't go through since people will simply continue on with ED and THEN find out they haven't actually logged into Connotea once they've submitted their bookmark and annotations.

Another issue I ran into with Connotea, was that it doesn't like all OpenID Providers. I've benn trying the more common providers: Yahoo, Vidoop and myOpenID, but so far the only one that has worked is myOpenID.

And yes... I did make sure to change the OpenID in the Advanced Setting of Connotea before trying each one.

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