Monday, June 9, 2008

About FetchRequest of OpenID

With regards to an earlier post:

Using a FetchRequest:
This is how it's done in version 2.0 and this is what all OpenID Providers use. Currently I haven't got this working yet, but as I found out, it was because I don't have the lastest version of OpenID4Java and will have to get the latest from their SVN off of googleCode. (I'll update this as soon as I get it working) This googlegroup post explains it in more detail.

I checked out the latest Openid4java off of their SVN on GoogleCode at: openid4java-read-only

Went into my console, went to the project I just checked out and typed in:

>ant jar

to build a new jar for java-openid-sxip. The jar will be located in the build folder as: java-openid-sxip. I replaced the existing java-openid-sxip jar in my referenced libraries and as a result, it has fixed the earlier problem I was having with the FetchRequest not working. This was because my parameters were showing up:

key: openid.ns.ext1

when it should have been just

key: openid.ns.ext1

The -draft7 that sxip left in there as a download prevents the FetchRequest from working. The only trouble I'm running into now is Yahoo! identifying my website as unsafe and not sending it user information. This is most likely because I'm running the webapp locally under localhost, which is not a valid url for openID to Yahoo! and thus considers it an unsafe website.

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