Monday, August 18, 2008

Specify your own SPARQL Endpoint for ED

Changed the file to include specification for the SPARQL Endpoint.

SPARQL_EP_query_param_name = query
SPARQL_EP_misc_params = { \
"default-graph-uri": "sandbox", \
"should-sponge": "", \
"format": "text/html", \
"debug": "on" \

SPARQL_EP_url specifies the SPARQL Endpoint URL

SPARQL_EP_query_param_name specifies the name of the query parameter used by the SPARQL Endpoint.
ie. the name in the name/value pairs used when submitting a SPARQL query as a URL parameter

SPARQL_EP_misc_params is a JSON object with all the name/value pairs that the SPARQL Endpoint needs for URL Parameters

These specifications are used to set the same parameters kept in a SPARQL_EP_params JSON object in the ed_connotea_patched.js

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