Friday, August 15, 2008

Finished the basics for the ED Widget.
It's in two JS files:
-EDwidget (which needs to be included in the html page and handles the adding of all necessary css and javascripts on the fly)
-EDlet (this creates the actual EDlet inside the div with id="EDlet")

To use it: (Haven't deployed it yet, so don't expect to use it right away)

include the:
a script tag in the html head with
type = "text/javascript"
src = ""

include a div somewhere with id="EDlet"

I'm leaving up the stylizing of the EDlet div to the web developer using it in their page, but I have include some basic EDlet API functions to make it easier.

Note: You need to be logged into ED for this to work since it requires a cookie

1 comment:

Ed said...

Good job! Can you demo today?