Monday, July 21, 2008

Accessing your webapps on your Mac OS X from your Parallels

If you're using a mac and running Parallels and want to test your web apps in IE without having to package it in a war and move it over to your Parallels side...

You will find this INCREDIBLY useful:

Andy Peatling's HOWTO access your webapps on Mac OS X from Parallels Windows XP

And if you're easily confused like I am...
DocumentRoot refers to your CATALINA_HOME/webapps/
ServerName is whatever you want it to be

With ED, I set it up locally as (for example) www.entitydescriber.local
so as opposed to using localhost

I can now do http://www.entitydescriber.local:8080/ED/manualURI

Of couse, all this configuration with IPs is only really useful if your IP doesn't change. If it does like with me. then you need to reconfigure when you get to work for your work IP and home for your home IP

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